Wisconsin Valley
Improvement Company

Burnt Rollways Boat Hoist Fees and Rules 

  • $10.00 per boat for each one-way passage.
  • $15.00 per boat for each round trip passage.
  • $35.00 for a six (6) passage punch card.  Cards available at the hoist.  Punch cards do not expire.
  • Two (2) jet-skis may be hoisted at the same time and are considered one (1) hoist for $10 or $15 for a round trip. 
  • Reservations required for 6-8 pm passages during July and August.
  • Hoisting outside regular dates and hours by appointment only, $50 fee, one way.
  • No person nor animal may remain aboard during passage on the hoist.
  • Delays may be encountered on holidays or weekends when more people are boating the chain. We suggest you plan ahead to avoid congestion.
  • Please be alert to observe all safety regulations, channel markers, and water route markings. Reduce to "no wake" speed in marked channels. Please report any obstruction in marked channel to the hoist operator.
  • Rest rooms and picnic tables are available for your convenience. Please use the waste containers provided and help keep the area clean.
  • Ask the hoist operator for our Burnt Rollways Reservoir area map and waterway marker guide.
  • Canoes are not hoisted. An extra charge is made for craft requiring special preparations or alterations to accommodate it, i.e. houseboats, construction barges.
  • Hoist weight limit is 7,500 pounds.
  • Hoist operator telephone: 715-218-6514
**WVIC reserves the right to close the boat hoist or deny passage to any boater due to impending inclement weather or any other reason deemed valid by the hoist operator.