Rainfall and Weather Data from the National Weather Service
Precipitation Map For Last 24 Hours |
Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 1 |
Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 2 |
Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 3 |
Precipitation Forecast Map - Day 4-5 |
6-10 Day Precipitation Forecast |
30-Day Temp. and Precip. Outlook |
Experimental Rainfall Forecast
for the Next 3 Hours |
Experimental Lightning Forecast
for the Next 3 Hours |
5-Day Wisconsin State Forecast |
Current Conditions Across Wisconsin |
Current Watches and Warnings |
What are GMT, UCT and Z? |
Hint: Many graphics, including the 3-hour forecasts, Watches and Warnings, and radar images are updated very frequently. Your web browser program may "cache" or store an older image and continue to display it even though a new image is available. To be sure you are seeing the latest image, press the "Refresh" or "Reload" button. This will force your browser program to load the latest image. |