Wisconsin Valley
Improvement Company


One of the most frequent requests that we receive is for maps of one or more of the water bodies that make up the Wisconsin River system. To help you know what areas are indeed mapped and where the maps are available, we have compiled the following information for sources of printed and online maps.

Printed Maps

The maps are grouped by:

  • WVIC Reservoirs
  • Hydro Dams
  • River Stretches

For each group we have listed three types of printed maps:

  • Free maps produced either by WVIC or the owners of particular hydro dams. All maps show outline of the lake, local roads, and recreation facilities. Those marked "H" in the table below also show hydrographic (depth) contours. WVIC reservoir maps can be obtained by contacting WVIC.
    • Phone: 715.848.2976
    • Fax: 715.842-0284
    • Mail: 2301 North Third Street, Wausau, WI 54403
    • Online: Map Request Form
  • Maps commercially produced by "Fishing Hot Spots". Large scale, waterproof maps showing depth contours, structure, boat ramps, latitude/longitude grids and GPS coordinates. Retail prices range from $6.95 to $11.95. WVIC is not affiliated with Fishing Hot Spots and receives no income from the sale of these maps. However, we have used them in the field and find them to be useful, high-quality maps. Fishing Hot Spots maps can be obtained from:
    • Local tackle shops, sporting goods stores and marinas.
    • Fishing Hot Spots
  • Topographic maps, known as Quadrangle Maps" produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Large scale maps showing depth contours for some lakes, local roads, upland topography, and latitude/longitude grids. USGS maps are available from:
    • Local sporting goods stores
    • Local governments such as county register of deeds office or surveyors office.
    • Authorized dealers. Check for a list of dealers in your area at: USGS Map Dealers
Hot Spots
Lac Vieux Desert     M142 - Lac Vieux Desert (WI/MI) Land O' Lakes
Imp Lake
Pioneer Lake
Twin Lakes North Twin, South Twin   M154 - North & South Twin Lakes (Vilas Co.) Pioneer Lake
Buckatahpon Upper Buckatabon,
Lower Buckatabon
  G241 - Buckatabon Lakes - Upper & Lower Stormy Lake
Long-on-Deerskin Long & Big Sand Lakes   G279 - Big Sand Lake (Vilas Co.) Phelps
Smoky Lake
Little Deerskin Deerskin     Phelps
Seven Mile       Anvil Lake
Julia Lake
Nine Mile       Anvil Lake
Burnt Rollways Three Lakes Chain Yes M207 - Three Lakes Chain - North
M208 - Three Lakes Chain - South
Eagle River East
Three Lakes
Julia Lake
Sugar Camp Dam, Sand, Stone, Echo, & Chain Lakes   G110 - Dam Lake (Oneida Co.)
G123 - Sand Lake (Oneida Co.)
St. Germain
Dam Lake
Sugar Camp
Little St. Germain     G118 - Little St. Germain Lake St. Germain
Big St. Germain     G106 - Big St. Germain Lake St Germain
Pickerel Pickerel & Gilmore Lakes   G112 - Gilmore Lake (Oneida Co.)
G115 - Pickerel Lake (Oneida Co.)
Rainbow   Yes - H M205 - Rainbow Flowage Sayner
St. Gemain
Lake Tomahawk
Dam Lake
North Pelican Moen Chain     Moen Lake
South Pelican Pelican Lake   M147 - Pelican Lake (Oneida Co.) Monico
Minocqua Minocqua, Kewguesaga, Mid, Tomahawk & Little Tomahawk Lakes   L245 - Mincoqua/Kewaguesaga/Mid Lakes
L244 - Lake Tomahawk
Lake Tomahawk
Squirrel       Lac Du Flambeau
Lac Du Flambeau SW
Willow   Yes - H M155 - Willow Flowage Lac Du Flambeau SW
Mercer Lake
Pier Lake
Burrows Lake
Rice Nokomis/Bridge/Deer Yes - H M145 - Lake Nokomis (Lincoln Co.)
(Includes Bridge & Deer Lakes)
Heafford Junction
Spirit   Yes - H   Coffee Creek
Eau Pleine Big Eau Pleine, Big E Yes - H M131 - Big Eau Pleine Reservoir (Marathon Co.) Marathon SW
Honey Island
Big Eau Pleine
H - Map contains hydrographic (depth) contours.


Hydro Dam Other
Hot Spots
Otter Rapids Eagle River Chain Yes L239 - Eagle River Chain Eagle River East
Eagle River West
Rhinelander Boom Lake   G263 - Boom Lake-Rhinelander Flowage McNaughton
Hat Rapids       Rhinelander
Lake Julia
Kings Lake Alice     Tomahawk
Jersey Jersey City     Heafford Junction
Coffee Creek
Tomahawk Lake Mohawksin Yes G144 - Lake Mohawksin Tomahawk
Coffee Creek
Grandmother       Tomahawk
Coffee Creek
Grandfather   Yes   Irma
Grandfather Falls
Alexander       Alexander Lake
Merrill       Merrill
Wausau   Yes   Brokaw
Wausau West
Wausau East
Rothschild Lake Wausau Yes - H   Wausau West
Wausau East
Mosinee Half Moon Lake     Mosinee
Dubay   Yes M372 - Lake Dubay Dancy
Stevens Point   Yes   Rocky Run
Stevens Point
Whiting       Whiting
Biron   Yes   Meehan
Wis. Rapids North
Wisconsin Rapids   Yes   Wis. Rapids North
Centralia       Wis. Rapids North
Wis. Rapids South
Port Edwards       Wis. Rapids South
Nekoosa       Wis. Rapids South
Petenwell   Yes M126 - Petenwell Flowage Nekoosa
Arkdale NW
Arkdale NE
New Miner
Castle Rock   Yes M121 - Castle Rock Flowage Necedah
Round Bluff"
Wisconsin Dells       Wis. Dells North
Prairie du Sac Lake Wisconsin   M116 - Lake Wisconsin Durwards Glen
Sauk City
H - Map contains hydrographic (depth) contours.


River Stretch Fishing Hot Spots Map
Castle Rock Dam to Wis. Dells Dam M375 - Wisconsin River (Castle Rock Dam to Dells Dam)
Wis. Dells Dam to Lake Wisconsin M130 - Wisconsin River (Below Dells Dam)
Wisconsin Below Prairie du Sac Dam M117 - Wisconsin River (Below Sac Dam)

Online Maps

The following three sources offer online access to topographic maps. TerraServer also offers online access to aerial photography. WVIC is not affiliated with any of these sources and has no control over the completeness and accuracy of their offerings. However, our staff does use TerraServer frequently and has been satisfied with their products.

TerraServer Logo
Microsoft TerraServer
Resulting from cooperative research by the USGS and Microsoft Corporation, the TerraServer provides free online access to USGS digital aerial photographs, known as digital orthophoto quadrangles, and to digital topographic maps, known as digital raster graphics.
MapServer Logo
Maptech MapServer by Maptech, Inc.
Maptech's MapServer provides a free way to view, print and e-mail topographic maps, orthographic maps, aero charts and nautical charts online. The Maptech MapServer gives users access to the largest online database of both NOAA digital charts and USGS maps available in the world.
TopoZone Logo
TopoZone by Maps a la carte, Inc.
TopoZone provides an interactive interface which allows users to view a seamless topographic map and feature database of the entire United States, based on digital raster graphics. The site is accessible to anyone with an industry standard Web browser at no charge.