Castle Rock Dam to Upper Dells

  • Scroll down past the map for details about this section of the trail.
  • Click here for the full size version of the map below.
  • Click here for a PDF file of the details.
  • Click any dam symbol Portage Symbol on the map below for a aerial photographic detail of portage.
  • Click any campsite symbol Campsites on the map below for a campgrounds information.

Mile marker signs on maps correspond with actual signs placed on the river. Mile markers are typically located on the right side of the bridges and at portage take out sites.


No signs were placed in the field at these locations but they were placed on the map for reference.

Map 1

- General Description
o Miles 268 - 276 (Castle Rock dam to STH 82 bridge) The river flows south past Castle Rock with numerous side channels and sloughs containing many islands and sandbars
o Miles 276 - 278 (STH 82 bridge to Lemonweir River) Lemonweir River flows in on the right with the south shore bordered by high sandstone cliffs
o Miles 278 - 282 (Lemonweir River to Upper Dells) River is narrow and deep as it passes between high bluffs and unique rock formations until Clarke Island where several tributaries enter forming side channels, sandbars and willow islands

- Portages (see portage maps by clicking on the dam symbol)
o Mile 268 Castle Rock dam - Take-out at a cement ramp and follow the route for about a ? mile long portage to the put-in just at the mouth of the Castle Rock ditch that parallels the east dike (left)

- Landings suitable for take-out or put-in
o Mile 268 Wisconsin River Power Company WRPCO boat landing below Castle Rock dam (left)
o Mile 278 Two Rivers boat landing where the Lemonweir River enters the Wisconsin (right)
o For a Wisconsin River Power Company informational map of Castle Rock Flowage showing additional access sites go to http://www.wisconsinriverpower.com/recreation_castlerock.pdf)

- Camping
o Mile 274 Private campground - "Castle Rock Resort & Campground (608-847-6269)"
o Mile 276 Private campground - "Point Bluff Resort (608-253-6181)" with canoe and kayak rentals and shuttle service

- Other amenities
o Mile 268 - WRPCO Castle Rock dam recreation area with boat landing, picnic area, restrooms, boater concessions, and trail (left)

- Flow Information - For flow information on river flow below Castle Rock go to http://www.wisconsinpublicservice.com/environment/hydrodata.aspx.




Mile 0268